Our Stories Matter: Jasper

Have you ever imagined what it would be like to live in your vehicle? Or maybe you have experienced homelessness and know what that’s like?

Giving Grace has learned from clients firsthand what it’s like to live in a vehicle, because that’s literally the only housing available to them apart from the street itself.

A single father, Jasper*, has been living out this nightmare.

Jasper and his two young children have been attempting to move forward in grief after the loss of Gabriell* who was the mother/wife in this family. Jasper has gone to grief counseling and is working hard to gain meaningful employment and provide for his children.

The Giving Grace team has provided support in multiple ways to this family both in-house and in collaboration with the many community partners in Denton County. The team was able to get this family into a short term stay at a hotel and are processing paperwork for longer term housing.

In addition they are supporting Jasper in gaining job skills and life skills that will move them along in stability and hope.

*Names changed for privacy  


Our Stories Matter: Layla


Our Stories Matter: Tierah