Need Help
If you are experiencing homelessness
(living in place not meant for human habitation such as your car or on the street)
please fill out our request for service form below.
ONLY complete this form if you are currently experiencing homelessness or
you meet the criteria for rent assistance below.
Unfortunately, there are no funds available for rent assistance unless you meet these criteria:
Must life in city of Denton.
1 month rent assistance or security deposit can only be up to $1,000
Must provide: current bank statement, lease agreement, copy of a ledger from apartment.
Must be able to prove you can pay the following month rent & on.
Can only get assistance for one month, once a year.
We encourage you to explore other resources available within the community at www.findhelp.org
Shelters for Families:
Denton County Friends of the Family – Denton (Domestic Violence only)
Abigail Arms – Gainesville
The Samaritan Inn – Mckinney (Shelter for Families, Women, and Men)
In My Shoes – Dallas (Pregnant Moms only)
Family Gateway – Dallas (Provides Temporary Hotel Shelter; Family must be located in Dallas)
For a list of shelters nationwide: www.homelessshelterdirectory.org.
Additional helpful links:
Shelters for Individuals