Our Stories Matter: Michael
I spent a lot of time in and out of prison. The last time I was released was in 2011. I had been living in Dallas for around 2-3 years and I was homeless. I left Dallas and headed to Lewisville and found a lady that let me rent a room. I had slept in cars, would pay random people to be able to sleep inside or wherever I could.
I would eat at The Salvation Army, and that was where I was approached by Street Outreach. At the time I was facing homelessness as the house I was staying at had sold. Giving Grace put me in a hotel room for about 60 days. I was worried that nobody would rent to me because of my past.
Everyone at Giving Grace has been great. Since the first time I spoke with them and since working with them and getting help I haven’t had to walk the streets in a very long time.
When I moved into my apartment, I was so happy to have a place of my own again. Even though I had nothing, no furniture or anything at first, I was just happy that I had a home. They have given me trust. I’m not fearful that I’m going to just get kicked out one day. I’m grateful to have a place to live.
You guys saved me.