Our Stories Matter: Tiarra Gilbert

Tiarra was a single mother of four children. She found refuge at the Grace Like Rain (GLR) Emergency shelter. She and her children stayed at the Shelter for seven and a half weeks.

While she was at the Shelter, she was unemployed and did not have transportation, but she was fortunate to find not just one but two jobs during that time. For a while, she worked both jobs to provide for her family. In addition, Grace Like Rain provided childcare during her working hours. They also helped her with transportation through Lyft, which helped her take the children to childcare and get to work.

Grace Like Rain had informed The Transportation Committee of her name and her need for transport. Finally, after being in the Shelter for seven and a half weeks, Tiarra could move into her apartment. Grace Like Rain provided her with furniture for her new home. Soon after, The Transportation Committee helped her find a vehicle.

She now has a job, a home, and transportation, thanks to the support of Grace Like Rain. Tiarra is so thankful for GLR and the ways they helped her.


Our Stories Matter: Mia


Our Stories Matter: Maria Lourdes Gonzalez