January Director's Update
Thank you all so much for a great 2017! In our first full year of ministry, Grace Like Rain raised a total of $266,000 through you, our donors. That is amazing! Your generosity has allowed Grace Like Rain to serve over 30 families by providing rental assistance, transportation assistance, child care assistance, food, clothing, and so much more. We have also been able to set aside close to $85,000 to go towards our Love First Community. Within the next month, we will be working on completing our annual report for 2017, so keep your eyes open for that! Currently, our monthly giving is $2,820. Our goal for 2018 is to raise that amount to $5,000 per month. Please consider joining Grace Like Rain as a monthly giver if you are not already. It would only take 44 new families to join us at $50 per month to reach this goal!For those who currently give monthly, would you be willing to recommit to a higher amount for 2018? Your generosity has created great momentum in the ministry! We also see the beauty in word of mouth advertising. If you have friends or family who you think would love to be a part of something like this, please reach out to them! Grace Like Rain will grow and flourish throughout this community but we need your help to do that. Reach out to a neighbor, friend or family member and share the GLR vision and dream. Ask them to join the GLR family by giving monthly.Again, thank you for all you have done and all you continue to do to love and serve families within Denton County who are struggling with homelessness and other family crises. Your monthly commitment ensures that GLR families will have rental assistance, safe and reliable child care, transportation, and other basic needs met. It also helps with our monthly administrative costs for ministry operation.To set up your monthly gift or to help your neighbor set theirs up, visit www.glrtx.org and look under the GIVE tab for your monthly options. In His Love,
Michelle Conner, Executive Director John 13:34-35“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”