Our Stories Matter: Mia

After Mia got pregnant, her baby’s father (Mia’s fiancé) became incarcerated. Although Mia had been living with her grandmother, who had had a difficult life, her grandmother became upset that she had gotten pregnant and kicked her out of the house.

Mia found herself homeless, and the only place she had was her car. She found herself sleeping in the car, even after having her baby girl — who she named Raynebow because she brings so much joy and delight to her life. Mia says Raynebow looks just like her daddy.

During that time, Mia was connected with Scott Butler at Giving Grace. He helped her and Raynebow find a room at a local Motel 6 to stay for a week. Having a roof over their heads and being safe felt so good. After that, through the people at Giving Grace, Scott got her connected to the Shelter, and that is where she has been living for the last three months. Mia attributes all the effort to Ms. Katia at Giving Grace, who helped her tremendously.

Since Raynebow’s father is still incarcerated and has never met her, Mia is waiting to introduce them.

Unfortunately, right now, Mia is unable to apply for a job. She does not have any childcare and has limited income. Her fiancé has 16 more months in prison, and she hopes he will be out next year and be a support for them.

Despite her limited income, she is saving up for the future. Her fiancé’s mother helps them out over the weekend with childcare, allowing Mia to work. She visits her mother occasionally, but they don’t have a very close relationship. Mia hopes to get a proper job when her fiancé gets out of prison and for them to bond as a family.

Mia says Giving Grace has been an enormous support by providing her with all the supplies for the baby, and Ms. Katia has gone out of the way to get her everything she needs. Mia is also good friends with her next door neighbor, who takes her to church. At church, she has made friends and is building a community. Unfortunately, she is having some car trouble right now and cannot drive, so she is trying to get vouchers to help her with that.

Mia has been with Giving Grace for three months now and is hugely thankful for all they have done for her.

But during this time, while she is waiting and saving up, Mia is not wasting her time. She has enrolled in Post University and is studying Business Management & Health Sources. She says education and getting a job is her pathway to providing for her daughter, and without Giving Grace to help her, she could not have done this.

Written by E. Sherene Joseph


Our Stories Matter: Annie


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