Our Stories Matter: Maria Lourdes Gonzalez

Maria is an immigrant and a single mother. She came to the United States about 15 years ago from Salvador with her son. She was always a hard worker and continued with the same ethic when she came to the states. Those who knew her gave her good references.


But life does not always go how we want it, and she got hit with complications. Maria is so thankful that she found some helping hands during the hard times.


Her little boy was in a terrible accident, and they both were ill with Covid.


Maria needed to be in the hospital to care for her son, so going to work was even more challenging. She was worried and stressed. Being a single mother is extremely hard, and it was overwhelming not to be able to pay the rent. She needed help with her rent and utilities


Maria heard about Giving Grace at her church, and they helped connect her to the team. She says Giving Grace was like her "Oasis in the Desert." Maria is incredibly grateful for Katia, who helped with her application, and she was an Angel. Katia walked alongside Maria during the challenging times.


Maria is deeply grateful for the team at Giving Grace, who walked with her during the hard times, and for their noble work.



Our Stories Matter: Tiarra Gilbert


Our Stories Matter: Paul