Our Stories Matter: Henry

Henry Conley never expected to be homeless. He also never expected to be homeless while also suffering from cancer — but that is where he was.

He found shelter at the Monsignor King Outreach Center. However, on days when he did not feel well and just wanted to lie down, he had nowhere to go — especially if the shelter was closed.

Living on the street was hard. Having no place to lie down was especially hard.

One day, when he was at the Monsignor King Outreach Center, Henry heard about Giving Grace. Within a few months, he connected to a case manager for the Giving Grace Turning Point program. This case manager began to help Henry walk through the required steps to find housing.

A few short months after, Henry finally had his apartment. It felt wonderful. Henry felt safe and warm, and he finally thought his health could get back on track.

Finally, he had a bed and pillow.

Finally, he had a safe place to rest during his bad days.

Henry found the Giving Grace case manager patient, kind, and understanding. He missed not having his own family around him to help. So, having a case manager who could listen and walk alongside him and genuinely take an interest in him was a blessing.

It helped him to heal.

Henry is thankful for his Giving Grace case manager and the team who helped him and his family. They taught him life skills that gave him a deep sense of responsibility and hope.

He also appreciates the financial and rent assistance the program provided; without that, he would not have been able to afford his apartment. His income was insufficient, but he now has his little home with extra assistance. He loves his little apartment and loves having a place to call home. 

Henry not only now has a home, but also great hope.

*Names changed for privacy  


Our Stories Matter: Preston


Home for the Holidays: Giving Grace